I've been researching my family for a couple of years and for me my starting point has always been looking at the lives of my grandparents and great grandparents. I come from a large and warm family with more relatives than a normal person could be expected to remember. To give everyone a degree of privacy I have decided to share my family story from my 8 Great Grandparents back. The chart at the bottom of the page is the point at which I started my research, I hope to produce a more attractive chart soon - so watch this space! My lot are a large, predominantly Kentish family from the Medway Towns, an area at the South East of England best known for its glory days of the (now mostly closed) naval dockyard. My maternal grandparents were both born in the area, though I know now that my grandads side were originally from further up north. I am curious to see how far my mothers mothers roots go in the Medway Towns. My paternal grandparents move...